Maximizing your at home workouts.


Can’t make it to the gym? Breaker’s programming includes tips to make your workouts work for you at home. While you can’t beat the rush of getting under a heavy barbell and throwing down with your #BRKRfam, consistency beats perfection. 

Here are some condo-friendly suggestions to help round out your home gym. Don’t worry, everything we mention will fit under a bed or behind a couch. When we say condo friendly, we mean it. Oh, and we also assume you have a skipping rope.


In our opinion, this is one of the most versatile pieces of gear you can own. Heck, you can even make your own. We recommend getting one with straps and look for a variant that lets you easily remove weight. 

If you are worried about mess, consider filling your sandbag with a sand alternative, such as rubber pellets, playground gravel, or even kitty litter. If you can only get one sandbag, select a weight that challenges you but you will still be able to push press. 

Remember, anything you can do with a barbell, you can probably do with a sandbag! 


While a sandbag allows you to squat, press, pull, swing, and even perform bent over rows, you cannot use a sandbag to perform pull ups. Vertical pulling is integral to general physical preparedness, especially if you enjoy reenacting cliffhanger. 

Rings are a great option, they can be slung over a tree, taken to a park or playground, and if you are adventurous, you can mount discrete heavy duty eye bolts so they can hang from your ceiling. 

Want to stay on your landlords good side? Check out our next option…


Door frame chin bars have a bad reputation in some circles. Just don’t kip(link to video) and make sure you get a good one. These are versatile; however, you should avoid excessive jumping and I would caution against adding bands. 

Instead, consider standing on a chair and controlling your negative, lifting your feet as much or as little as possible to increase / decrease the difficulty of the movement. 

Can’t swing a door frame pull up bar or a set of rings? Afraid of your landlord? Worst case scenario? Ruck your bag to a park with a set of monkey bars. It’s a great warm up


You can get both, but if space is limited, get a dumbbell. While both are versatile training tools, a dumbbell is a little bit easier to manage, takes up somewhat less space, and can be paired up to mimic almost all of our workouts. 

Select a weight you can do all exercises with. Aim a little heavier, but make sure your eyes are not bigger than your biceps. If you can’t curl it, you are missing the point. 

Oh and if you are feeling really fancy, you can just get this contraption. 


Get a few bands. Lighter is better, but pick up a couple. A “Red” band and a “purple” band will let you perform most of our warm ups as written. Besides, ordering them at the same time will help you save on shipping. 


A sandbag, rings or a pull up bar, a dumbbell, and some bands will let you perform the majority of our warm ups as written, maintain the stimulus of the class programming, and get a damn good workout in. 
