Breaker Strength Facility Rules

Our gym rules exist to ensure class remains an equitable and fair experience for all of Breaker’s Members. Your continued membership serves as an agreement to adhere to our Gym Rules.

Any issues with our Gym Rules should be forwarded to with the subject Gym Rules.


Be on Time:


Be ready to start at the designated time. Ready to start means signed in, shoes on, and other paraphernalia (grips, rope, tape, etc) collected before the beginning of the whiteboard brief

Coaches use the first minutes of class to brief the workout, review individual modifications, and optimally plan class layout. Your tardiness may distract others from hearing pertinent information and puts the coach at a disadvantage, which may negatively impact class experience.

If you are chronically late, you are putting yourself above the group, which is in direct violation of Breaker’s Strength Mission, Vision, and Values and may be cause for membership termination.


Attitude is Contagious:

Come to the gym prepared to do your best. We get it. Not every day is amazing. You do not have to set a PR or push yourself until you are delirious. Sometimes you just want to get in and move the dirt. However, attitude is contagious. Here are some dos and don’ts that 

  • DO: Come to class prepared. Know the workout, have an idea of how you want to approach it, and an understanding of where it fits within the context of your past efforts. 

  • DO: Take ownership of your training. Log your scores with detailed notes and focus on the positives from each session. Set yourself up for long-term success.

  • DO: Introduce yourself to new members, provide positive encouragement to others, and focus on success. 

  • DON’T: Complain about the workout. Bad moods ruin the atmosphere of the gym. Your disdain of burpees brings down the group.

  • DON’T: Clean up and leave while others are finishing their workouts. Coaches will let you know when you should break down your equipment. Expect to be attentive for the full hour you are in class

  • DON’T: Focus on what others are doing. Count your own reps and police your own movement levels. Be your own biggest critic before you criticize others.


Respect the Space & Equipment:

Prolonging the lifespan of the equipment keeps your membership fee as low as possible, allows us to purchase more equipment, and invest in other avenues that directly benefit you. Here are some house rules:

  • Bars with red tape on the collars do not go into the racks. 

  • Do not drop dumbbells, kettlebells, empty barbells, or barbells loaded with only the following: change plates, 10LB plates, and/or 15LB plates.

  • Do not combine a 10LB Plate and a 15LB Plate to make a 25LB plate. Instead, use a 25LB plate. Similarly, limit yourself to a maximum of 2x10LB plates per side (4 Total).

  • Wipe down mats, seats, and handles. Do not wipe down screens, barbells, or dumbbells. If you bleed on a barbell or a dumbbell, inform a staff member. 

  • Chalk stays in the bucket. Do not take blocks, pieces, or scraps of chalk out and leave them scattered around the gym. Pocket chalk is acceptable on benchmark and competition days only.

  • During the winter months, have a pair of inside shoes and a pair of outside shoes to avoid tracking the salt we place on the steps inside the gym.

Once finished, equipment should be put back as you found it. There is a specific spot for (almost) everything in the gym. Place dumbbells in the exact spot, plates to the same stack, barbells to the same rack (and slot), and medicine balls to the same shelf. Putting equipment away properly helps everyone in the next classes find what they are looking for quickly. 


Hygiene & Scents:

We assume nobody wants to smell. That said, spraying scents-based products in the gym is strictly prohibited.  This includes everything from Axe Body Spray to Clive Christian No.1. Instead check out the tips below:

Thom’s Tips for Not Smelling

  • Gym clothing is one, done, and then washed. Especially cotton t-shirts, which tend to develop a perma-funk over time and will start to stink as soon as you get moving. Pro-tip: Delay the onset of perma-funk either by placing gym clothes directly into the wash or by letting them air dry. Damp pile of clothing = Mildew breeding ground.

  • Knee Sleeves get gross. Avoid tossing knee sleeves directly into your bag. Instead, turn them inside out and strap them to the outside of your bag. And wash them weekly. You may even want to soak them in a mixture of hot water and 4 oz of distilled white vinegar for 10 minutes before you put them in the wash.

  • While I am not your mother: Shower daily, change your bed linen weekly, and make sure your diet contains soluble fiber. 

  • Optional: Apply deodorant before you workout. Keep an extra stick in your gym bag. Again, anything spray-based is prohibited. 

Failing to adequately address your personal hygiene will result in an very awkward conversation between you and management. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants that.